Blogs | The Huggable Horribles
Mental Health Advocates in NJ
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Becoming A Mental Health Advocate Mom
Huggable Horribles |
Mental Health Advocate Mom: As a mental health advocate mom, I now have a diagnostic vocabulary without a medical degree. As a result, the terms Dual Diagnosis, Co-Morbidity, Bipolar, Borderline, …

A Bipolar Healing Story
Huggable Horribles |
For as long as I can remember, I was stuck in crippling fear. My personal story has been a journey. My world felt like a battleground, and I felt like I was the only one fighting. I remember I used …

Katie L
Huggable Horribles |
Just a comment? I could actually write an essay. There’s just no way to describe in just one comment how much I’ve been through the past year and how much I’ve been almost reliant on the relief I feel …