The stories below focus on various disorders. You may relate to some and not others. We hope you will be inspired to write your own story with a hopeful ending which in truth is your own beginning to wellness.
Carl is a 21-year-old college senior and a long-time sufferer of anxiety. It all traces back to his childhood. As Carl struggled in school, he was constantly compared to his older brother by his peers. Unlike Carl, his older brother was a straight a student with the ability to handle stressful situations in an easy manner.
Libby is 27 years old, an artist with bipolar disorder. As a teen she suffered from depression, often unable get out of bed. Most times her talent, her sweetness and sense of humor made her the center of attention. In her later teen years her mood swings became extreme. Manic highs, feeling like a goddess to depressions so intense she felt pain throughout her body.
Molly is a 25-year-old single mother of a 4-year-old daughter, Amelia. Soon after finding out she was pregnant, her boyfriend left her. He just wasn’t ready to be a father and this was really her “problem”. Although scared to be alone she decided to go through with the pregnancy.
Daphne is a confident, intelligent 20-year-old college student, blessed with beautiful curves. After winning a campus singing competition she was recruited to join a sorority. Everything seemed great at first. Daphne noticed for a quick moment that many of the girls sort of looked like Barbie dolls, and laughed it off because that certainly wasn’t her.